Engage • Inspire • Learn was a training and events programme that ran from 2020-2024 to increase Places for Everyone partners’ knowledge, confidence and capability through upskilling and inspiring events. This page is an archive of resources produced through Engage • Inspire • Learn, in addition to ongoing knowledge sharing support.
Safety by Design: Crossings and Junctions
This webinar is an introduction to designing junctions to provide good conditions for active travel for all, featuring design approaches and tools.
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: An Introduction
This webinar is an introduction to the principles and design of low traffic neighbourhoods.
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Rotterdam: Moving Safely Ahead
In this webinar, Thorsten Willemstein, Mobility Advisor at Rotterdam Council, discusses the city’s strategy to improve road safety and influence behaviour change to promote active travel.
Engagement video guides: now live
A series of 10-15 minute videos designed to help you deliver more impactful and inclusive engagement as part of your projects.
Gender & Place in Europe
Gender & Place in Europe is a virtual series that featured planners, researchers, and practitioners from around Europe to share case studies and lessons learnt from first hand experiences in making places more gender equitable.
Creating Climate Neutral Towns and Cities
The Climate Emergency & Infrastructure Constructive Conversations – 14 March 2024. This session focused on creating climate neutral towns and cities. We discussed plans to achieve net zero, and the part that active travel infrastructure can play in this goal. From climate action towns and networks, to net zero cities we explored what this means for…
Strengthening Social Connections
By Design Constructive Conversations – 19 March 2024. This session focused on strengthening social connections by design. How does the design of our streets and public spaces foster, or discourage social connections? Do benches reduce social isolation and enhance wellbeing? and does more social connection within a community mean higher resilience? Our expert panel spent…
Coming up: Designing and Implementing Behaviour Change Plans
Join us on 18 March in Stirling for a full-day workshop which aims to expand your knowledge and awareness of behaviour change; explain the role that social marketing can play; and
demonstrate how you can create and implement social marketing orientated behaviour change plans.
Continue Reading Coming up: Designing and Implementing Behaviour Change Plans
Sustainable Procurement
Join us on 24th April to discuss embedding sustainable practices in construction of active travel infrastructure.
Enabling Active Travel to Schools Roundtable
Researchers and practitioners share insights and advice to enable active travel to schools.
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Accounting for Diverse Accessibility Needs
By Design Constructive Conversations – 21 February 2024. This session focused on designing for diverse accessibility needs. What prevents people with varying disabilities or mobility needs being able to safely and confidently navigate public spaces? How can design features address these needs and make life easier for everyone – without one interfering with another? Our…
Integrating PAS 2080 Carbon Emissions Standards
The Climate Emergency & Infrastructure Constructive Conversations – 24 January 2024. In this session we took a deep dive into the refreshed PAS 2080 standard (the standard for managing carbon in infrastructure). What does the introduction of this standard mean for active travel infrastructure projects? How can it be embedded into working practices, and what…
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Preventing Child and Pedestrian Casualties
By Design Constructive Conversations – 17 January 2024. In this session the focus is on preventing pedestrian and child casualties. What makes a road or street safe to walk along and cross? How can design features slow, direct or change driver and pedestrian behaviour to reduce the potential for collisions? Our expert panel spent half an…
Integrating Climate Adaptations
By Design Constructive Conversations (20 December 2023). What challenges does our changing climate bring to our public places? What adaptation measures exist that we can use to future proof infrastructure developments against the impacts of our changing climate? Our panel discussed these questions and more around how urban design elements can integrate innovative solutions into…
An Introduction to Gender Budgeting
Join us as we explore Gender Budgeting as a tool, which can highlight how policies, investments and projects can impact women and men differently, therefore improving transparency and accountability.
Eradicating Violence Against Women and Girls
By Design Constructive Conversations- 15 November 2023. How can urban environments and public spaces be designed in such a way as to make them feel, and be, safe spaces for women and girls? Our panel discussed how urban design elements can make women and girls feel safe, and be safe when walking, wheeling, cycling, or…
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CDM Guidance for Community Partners – An Introduction
Learn more about the CDM requirements for Places for Everyone projects led by community partners, focusing on the stages 0-2.
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Inclusivity and Creativity in Community Engagement: A PfE Perspective
This page contains all you need to know for our in-person event exploring best practice in community engagement which took place on 23 November 2023.
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Constructive Conversations – By Design Collection
Join us for a series of constructive conversations which will explore how some of the big issues facing society today can be addressed ‘By Design’
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Engagement Workshop series, autumn 2023
A series of virtual workshops to improve your understanding of community engagement and engagement methods.
How best to engage businesses when delivering active travel infrastructure
Sustrans’ Research and Monitoring Unit presented key findings and takeaways on how to engage with businesses in active travel delivery.
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An Introduction to the Sustainable Travel to Stations Strategy
Learn more about Scotland’s Railway’s Sustainable Travel to Stations strategy.
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An Introduction to Construction (Stages 5-7)
Sustrans recently hosted an online session to introduce the essential Construction deliverables to Places for Everyone partners.
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Introduction to Places for Everyone Spend & Claim Guidance
An Introduction to Places for Everyone Spend & Claim guidance, where you’ll learn about the new guidance and process required for reporting.
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An Introduction to the Active Travel Strategy Guidance
An introduction to the updated Active Travel Strategy Guidance, where you’ll learn about recent key changes to the guidance.
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Networking Planning Tool – Introduction & Demo
An introduction to the Network Planning Tool, which predicts the relative demand for cycling on the majority of streets and paths across Scotland.
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Active Travel in Europe: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
In the second edition of the series Active Travel in Europe, we explore low traffic neighbourhoods, also known as superblocks, across Europe with practitioners from five different cities – Barcelona, Utrecht, Vienna, Berlin, and Edinburgh.
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Designing with Children and Young People
This page contains all you need to know for our in-person event, Designing with Children and Young People, which took place on 27 April.
An introduction to Design (Stages 3-4)
Following the recent success of Design applications, Sustrans hosted a webinar to introduce the essential Design deliverables to Places for Everyone partners.
An introduction to Concept (Stages 0-2)
Following a number of new Concept projects being funded, Sustrans hosted a webinar to help partners understand the project stages, best practice, and potential pitfalls.
Key Learnings from the Spaces for People Reports
Following on from the publication of the recent Spaces for People reports, Sustrans Research and Monitoring Unit held an online discussion with partners about the successes and limitations of the programme.
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Places for Everyone Application Information Session – Community Groups
With the deadline for Concept (Stages 0-2) approaching, we delivered an information session to community-led organisations, which had received a successful Expression of Interest outcome.
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Places for Everyone Application Information Session – All Partners
With the deadline for Concept (Stages 0-2) approaching, we outline key changes to the Places for Everyone application process and answer key questions from applicants
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Components of a Behaviour Change Plan
How do you create an effective plan for behaviour change and why is it important?
Roadspace Reallocation in Scotland
The Public Health and Sustainable Partnership group, hosted by Public Health Scotland, carried out a Health Impact Assessment to understand whether people’s health was improved by changing road space for motor vehicles to other uses.
Active Travel in Europe
In this event series, we hear from four keynote speakers, representing Copenhagenize Design Co., GRACQ, European Cyclists Federation and Changing Cities. Catch up on the recordings to find out about these organisations’ active travel measures and strategies.
Behaviour Change Interventions – Information Sheets
These information sheets offer some inspiration for the types of activities that could be part of a behaviour change plan.
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Community Engagement & Behaviour Change in Places for Everyone
This mini-series is presented as six bite-sized, interactive tutorials on understanding and delivering community engagement and behaviour change in Places for Everyone projects.
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An introduction to making the case for active travel
How does active travel improve public health and tackle health inequalities? How can we make the case to the local population? Should we be tailoring and targeting our message?
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Project Portal new version run-through
An updated version of the Project Portal is now available to better assist partners with the management of funding applications and overall project delivery.
20mph roll out in the Scottish Borders
As part of the Spaces for People programme, Scottish Borders Council rolled out a temporary 20mph scheme across 97 settlements. On Thursday 16th December 2021, it was announced that 20mph will be the default speed limit across towns and villages in the Scottish Borders.
Greening our Towns
I think that I shall never see, A poem lovely as a tree.Joyce Kilmer 1888-1918 Places for Everyone encourages the creation of green space as part of walking, wheeling and cycling projects. This article looks at the benefits of including plants and trees in your infrastructure project and how Places for Everyone can supporting greening.…
Effective behaviour change
Why is behaviour change important? When should we start considering behaviour change initiatives in our projects? And how exactly do we change behaviour?
What does inclusivity look like in public space?
From engaging with the community to designing infrastructure, how can we ensure that public space is welcoming and safe for everyone?
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Completion of Phase 1 of Connecting Woodside
Malcolm Hall of Glasgow City Council, speaks about the first phase of the Connecting Woodside project, including a bit of background to the project, the impact of Covid-19, and where they’re at now.
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Diving into Low Traffic Neighborhoods
As part of the Places for Everyone event programme – Engage · Inspire · Learn – partners from local authorities and organisations around Scotland were invited to hear from a variety of voices on the challanges of Low Traffic Neighborhoods.
Inclusive Design Webinar Series
As part of our support for local authorities and other bodies to deliver high quality infrastructure that is accessible for all, Sustrans Scotland are hosting a series of online workshop on inclusive design. We have invited people with lived experience from around Scotland to help Sustrans and our partners understand how we can improve our…
Monitoring active travel infrastructure during Covid-19
Monitoring and evaluating the impact of Spaces for People projects is more important than ever before due to the limited opportunity for engagement on temporary emergency measures that are being introduced. Sustrans’ Martin Laban, Evaluation Manager for the Research and Monitoring Unit outlines the principles of monitoring and evaluation techniques in relation to Spaces for People.
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The Highland Council – lessons learned
In today’s session, Colin Howell and Craig Baxter from The Highland Council share their experiences of implementing Spaces for People temporary infrastructure changes across the region.
What can we learn from the return to school?
Spaces for schools It’s been just under one month since children throughout Scotland returned to school after a long hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Prior to and during time this time, Sustrans have been working with local authorities through the Spaces for People programme to ensure that children have been able to get to…
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Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – an introduction
Low traffic neighbourhoods (LTN) are when private cars can access local homes and businesses, but can not cross through, reducing traffic volumes.
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Access for all – designing inclusive spaces
https://youtu.be/IrQ0frPWk88 Inclusivity in Infrastructure Temporary measures introduced through Spaces for People are designed to protect public health and facilitate essential journeys for all groups, including those with additional support and mobility needs. In support of this, Sustrans are working closely with local authorities to ensure that people with disabilities and other affected groups are considered…
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Global temporary infrastructure
From Bogota to Milan, and Winnipeg to Brighton; all around the world, countries have responded to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic through the installation of temporary infrastructure measures in order to promote effective physical distancing and protect public health.
Re-imagining public spaces after Covid-19
As lockdown restrictions are further eased throughout Scotland, we can begin to look beyond the simple but nonetheless effective space reallocation measures that have already been implemented by local authorities, and instead consider how we can re-imagine the design of our public spaces.