Engage • Inspire • Learn

Safety by Design: Crossings and Junctions


Safety by Design: Crossings and Junctions is an introduction to designing junctions to provide good conditions for active travel for all. Junctions can be major barriers that deter people from walking and cycling and are where most collisions occur. The training covers safe and compliant design approaches for junctions and tools such as the Junction Assessment Tool and the crossing selector tool.

Feedback Survey

We would appreciate you taking a moment to complete our short feedback survey after you’ve watched the recording.

Useful Resources and Links

Check out these other Showcase pages on Crossings and Junctions:

Trial of Protected Junctions finds cycling numbers double along South City Way: Sustrans’ Research and Monitoring Unit publishes latest findings after Protected Junctions trial.

Preventing Child and Pedestrian Casualties

Or check out the recommended resources mentioned in the training:

Inclusive Mobility Guidance

Cycling By Design (2021)

Active Travel England scheme review tools


Julie Plichon – is Head of Design and Engineering for London. Julie has worked extensively in the private and public sector, primarily in London in areas covering urban design, inclusive design, urban planning and transport projects. Her focus is on projects that reallocate road space for people centred uses through designing spaces that make streets safer, green and healthier. She has worked on the design, delivery and monitoring of LTNs in Islington, north London.

Ellie Holliday – A Principal Engineer, Ellie has over 10 years of experience leading design of transportation schemes across UK and Ireland, ensuring buildability and delivering accessible designs that meet the needs of all users. Her focus is promoting active travel. She has led the design of major and local cycling, walking and wheeling infrastructure, LTNs and healthy routes. She has working knowledge of best practice and implementation in constrained conditions and has delivered LTN 1/20 training to local authorities across England, including training on junctions and crossings.

Engage • Inspire • Learn

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: An Introduction


This webinar is an introduction to the principles and design of low traffic neighbourhoods. The training covers LTN design in its stages, from understanding the street network, to agreeing boundary roads, placing modal filters, to activating streets and wider interventions that support walking, wheeling, and cycling. The webinar also touches on other key aspects of Low Traffic Neighbourhood delivery like in depth engagement and robust monitoring, with a primary focus on design.

Feedback Survey

We would appreciate you taking a moment to complete our short feedback survey after you’ve watched the recording.

Useful Resources and Links

Check out these other Showcase pages on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods:

Active Travel in Europe: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: In the second edition of the series Active Travel in Europe, we explore low traffic neighbourhoods, also known as superblocks, across Europe with practitioners from five different cities – Barcelona, Utrecht, Vienna, Berlin, and Edinburgh.

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods-an introduction: Low traffic neighbourhoods (LTN) are when private cars can access local homes and businesses, but can not cross through, reducing traffic volumes.

Diving into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: As part of the Places for Everyone event programme – Engage · Inspire · Learn – partners from local authorities and organisations around Scotland were invited to hear from a variety of voices on the challenges of Low Traffic Neighborhoods.

Or check out these other useful resources:

Sustrans for Professionals: An introduction to Low Traffic Neighbourhood Design: We’ve created this introductory design guide to outline the approach, tools and techniques needed to design a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN).

Transport for all: Pave the Way: Pave The Way is the only independent and in-depth research into how disabled people have been impacted by Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, and the barriers to Active Travel.


Julie Plichon – is Head of Design and Engineering for London. Julie has worked extensively in the private and public sector, primarily in London in areas covering urban design, inclusive design, urban planning and transport projects. Her focus is on projects that reallocate road space for people centred uses through designing spaces that make streets safer, green and healthier. She has worked on the design, delivery and monitoring of LTNs in Islington, north London.

Rajiv Ratan – A Principal Engineer, Rajiv has delivered projects across a wide range of areas with particular focus on active travel and highways, from feasibility and concept design through to detailed design and supervising construction. This has been for local authorities in London and more widely in the UK. In London, Rajiv has worked on the feasibility, design and delivery of a number of LTNs in the London Borough of Haringey, as well as on quality assurance for the design of interventions in Lambeth LTNs. Rajiv has brought extensive technical knowledge and construction experience and has delivered projects on site that required contract administration, site supervision and providing design solutions on site.

Engage • Inspire • Learn

Rotterdam: Moving Safely Ahead


In this knowledge-sharing Webinar, Thorsten Willemstein discusses how Rotterdam wants to improve road safety, with specific examples of projects Rotterdam is conducting. Topics discussed in this Euroean city case study include:

  • How to get more children cycling and walking to schools,
  • Educating children about traffic,
  • An annual tour around high schools,
  • Cycling lessons for children and adults,
  • Providing bicycles for people with a low-income.

Feedback Survey

We would appreciate you taking a moment to complete our short feedback survey after you’ve watched the recording.

Useful Resources and Links

If you found this webinar useful, see our webinar series Gender and Place in Europe, for more European case studies. Or check out the recommended resources mentioned in the training:

Rotterdam Safely Ahead (Veilig Vooruit) Mobility strategy

Licht Aan – interactive game to raise awareness about the importance of lighting on bikes

There are translation tools on both pages.


Thorsten Willemstein is a Mobility Advisor at the City of Rotterdam, where he specializes in traffic safety and urban mobility initiatives. Since February 2023, he has led projects to enhance traffic safety around schools and improve overall traffic safety in the city with different stakeholders. With a background in built environment from Breda University of Applied Sciences and previous advisory roles in the City of The Hague and ABG-councils, Thorsten applies his expertise to make Rotterdam’s transportation systems safer and more efficient.